Check it out dudes! In “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” #22 of IDW Publishing’s ongoing series, Michelangelo’s reading Tom Waltz and Guiu Vilanova’s “After the Fire” 100 Page Spectacular. Page 8, panel 1.


“TMNT” #22 co-written by Tom Waltz & Ninja Turtles co-creator Kevin Eastman is a MUST READ! The obvious (but is it really?) plug aside, the writing’s solid and accessible — Mateus Santolouco’s artwork is the grand slam sealing the deal for this book. It’s energetic, fresh and apparent he knows what the hell he’s doing in portraying expression and emotion, but most importantly the Turtles as individuals.

If there was only one TMNT comic book you read in your life, I would have said it’s “TMNT: Secret History of the Foot Clan” #2 any time before tonight. Not anymore. Now it’s “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” ongoing #22. The creative team lights this thing on fire, presenting the best elements from all corners of the TMNT mythos in one action packed and emotionally charged issue.

2013 is here and I wanted to show off my favorite three Christmas gifts from my mom and dad — I think they’ve come to accept I’m a grown man-child.




1) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Complete Series DVD Box Set — Man, I really, really wanted this but didn’t have the dough to put down on it. At San Diego Comic-Con this year, I went to the SHOUT! Factory booth to purchase the Con exclusive set, but they were sold out by Sunday afternoon. Suck! Thankfully, mom and dad delivered and I felt like an 8 year old at 28.Yes, many of the episodes are horrendous, but it’s a time capsule thing for me, and the fight scenes aren’t that bad. Plus, the little one gives it her attention.

2) Turtles Forever DVD — I hadn’t seen the entire thing online, waiting for a DVD release. This is a must-see for every kind of TMNT fan. So well done.

3) Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation Season 1 DVD — Don’t judge me, but yes I asked for this. I’ve heard it’s one of the worst shows in all of geek culture, let alone the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and I had to find out for myself. It does look terrible, though.

This is all stuff I really, really wanted but couldn’t shell out the cash for. I lucked out and received other cool stuff, like new shoes and clothes, but these were the fun presents! Thanks mom and dad, and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!

Added new photos to the Boon Monster tumblr today! My three favorites are below: the Monster playing with nunchucks (her mom and I were going to be Ninja Turtles for Halloween, and we bought her a rat costume but it was too big — next year!), a sleeping Monster and twilight in Silver Lake. Yes, I know my camera phone needs an upgrade.




In my interview with Paul Allor, writer of the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Micro-Series: Fugitoid” issue out tomorrow — he talks about introducing the classic character into the new IDW Publishing universe.

Allor Brings “Fugitoid” to “TMNT Micro-Series” — Click to read full article

“Fugitoid is a Mirage Studios character co-created by the founding fathers of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. The android’s first appearance with the TMNT came in the original run’s fifthissue where he was given the title of co-star, propelling the book into a surprisingly sci-fi direction.

On September 5, IDW Publishing releases a “Fugitoid” one-shot as the eighth issue of its “Micro-Series” line written by Paul Allor and drawn by Paul McCaffrey. Allor spoke to CBR News about introducing Fugitoid to a new era of readers, the strong familial themes in his story and his personal connections to the TMNT.

In the IDW continuity there has been origin tweaking, most notably for the Turtles, Splinter and Shredder — they’re re-incarnations of their former selves. How close to the original Mirage Fugitoid origin are you keeping? Can you tease us on anything you were able to make your own?

Paul Allor: I’d say the broad strokes are the same, and I absolutely tried to stay true to the spirit of the character. If this Fugitoid isn’t recognizable to fans, then I haven’t done my job. But yeah, we have tweaked to fit in with this new story. One big change is that he has a family in this iteration. Family seems to be the grand theme of the IDW Turtle-verse; both the families fate gives us and the families we create. What we owe to our family, what we’ll do for our family, and what we’ll sacrifice for them.”

A cool first appearance in this issue but it wasn’t really about April.

“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Micro-Series: April” #7 — Click to read full article

“IDW Publishing’s “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Micro-Series” line is self contained stories that propel the plot of the main TMNT ongoing series, often introducing new characters into the continuity. They’re prime jumping on points for the new Turtles universe and this seventh “Micro-Series” installment featuring April O’Neil by Barbara Randall Kesel and drawn by Marley Zarcone is no different. The issue had potential — with April in the spotlight and debuting a fan favorite character, but overall it fell flat, squandering an opportunity to show readers a more layered look at Miss O’Neil.

Akin to the original 1984 TMNT series, in the new IDW universe April is a woman of science with no microphones or Channel 6 News vans anywhere to be seen. She does don a yellow jumpsuit at the end, but it was irrelevant to her character and more of a situational convenience, which highlights the disappointment of the issue — April comes off as a benefactor of good luck as opposed to skill with too many unbelievable things going her way.”