I just exited the 10:30pm showing of “Man of Steel” in IMAX 3D and I’m giving it to you straight — I thought it was a fun, action packed movie. It’s also easily my favorite Superman movie.

And here’s why:

Spoilers, obviously.


1) I’m not a Superman fan. At all. If there is one mainstream comic book character I care the least for it’s Superman. But I enjoyed “Man of Steel” more than all the “Batman” movies from any decade combined. Not everything has to be “dark” this and “hanging people from bridges” that.

2) My not being a big Superman fan likely allots the leisure of viewing this movie through a different lens than the classic “Christopher Reeve is God” Superman fan. I know I just struck a chord. Believe me though, I get it — you love those movies and the man in them who wore the suit. We can all speak to something like that. But they’re not as timeless to others as you may believe. Have you ever tried re-watching the classic “Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam!” 1970s TV show? The Reeves era of the Superman movie franchise is not quite that bad, but not too far off either. I’d like to repeat what a dude behind me in line said tonight that about sums up this argument: “You can watch Christopher Reeve at home — I’m going to watch Superman in IMAX 3D.”

3) To that point, Henry Cavill makes a great Superman. Give him a few more years and another movie, and Christopher Reeve may as well take that seat George Reeves, Brandon Routh and all those other “phased out” Superman actors have been saving for him. Those other guys and Reeve are a piece of Superman history, but Cavill’s legacy has just begun. He certainly has the chops to make Superman his own. The potential is there for him to become an icon for the new breed of comic book fans. To put it simply: Jor-El would be proud of his son since true to the El family crest, he’s inspired hope in the Superman franchise.

4) SCI-FI SUPERMAN WORKS! This point can not be understated. Watching this film in 3D when the Krypton scenes were in full effect was breathtaking. From the scope of the planet, to the slow moving ships in the background and the fauna that live amongst the Kryptonians — it felt real. Looked it too. I would absolutely watch a prequel movie starring Zod and Jor-El on this planet — and other worlds — all freakin’ day.

5) When Zod was telegraphing the “We are not alone” message to the people of Earth, that creeped me out. Actually, Zod in general creeped me out. He reminded me of a religious fanatic who’s just incapable of seeing things any other way and resorts to extremes. When Zod said he was born or programmed or whatever to protect Krypton, it really put things in perspective on who he is. Then when he goes after Superman, it’s like he’s declared “If Superman lives, that means Krypton dies. It’s in my DNA to ensure that does not happen.” Intense stuff!

6) High-speed combat never looked so awesome! Man, the special effects team nailed the fight scenes. Except for the choreography being totally ignorant of Superman’s environment — and all that entails (see #1 below) — the fights looked wicked. Yes, everything was pretty much done via computer but a cool thought is these fight scenes are only going to look better as time goes on. Superman’s heat vision looked scary — I’m looking forward to his realization he has freezing breath.

7) Zod’s main general lady was so, so sexy. I feel ashamed to admit this, but I found her taking extreme pleasure in her job and ass kicking ways to be disturbingly hot. (Sorry Lois)

8) Which brings me to Lois Lane. I really liked this version of Lois. The choice of Amy Adams III to play her and not some outlandish super duper star like, say, Megan Fox, was a great move. And an important one — this movie becomes borderline intolerable if scenes with Lois suck. They didn’t, and she actually felt like a real person to me… which is who Lois Lane is, right? I liked her edge, persistence and ability to overcome challenges. Nicely done Amy Adams III!

And here’s why I couldn’t help but laugh at “Man of Steel:”

1) Superman totally killed a shit ton of people in the final act. And by a shit ton, I mean at least a couple hundred thousand. From destroying buildings, to making debris fall all the fuck over town, to destroying things in orbit that crash to Earth, to ducking trucks so they can blow up buildings behind him — the collateral life toll Superman’s responsible for has to be at least 200,000. Even after the main battle was over and Superman was fighting Zod mano-a-mano, he was still killing civilians, smashing through apartment buildings and stuff. Imagine being one of those people. You’re all like, “HOLY FUCK! Did you see all that crazy shit out there!? Aliens and ships and gravitational carnage and stuff!? WE LIVED THROUGH THAT!” You’re high-fiving your wife about to make a bagel when — BAM! Your ass is decapitated by Superman’s forearm as he’s bursting through your apartment building, punching Zod. That would suck so hard. And it happened. To hundreds of people.

2) Throughout most of the 3rd act I was expecting Will Smith and Jeff Golblum to come down and be like, “Really guys?”

3) Do we really need to computer animate newborn babies? I mean, really — there aren’t enough new born babies, like, everywhere to film? Then, if you must, computer whizz-matazz that baby’s face onto a doll or something and make it look good? Newborn Kal-El freaked me out almost more than Zod. Animated baby faces make me shudder.

4) Imagine if Metropolis (which is supposed to be what, Los Angeles?) really existed and was utterly destroyed like in “Man of Steel.” Do you have any fucking idea what that would do to the global economy? Business across the globe would be affected, and the economic structure as we know it would cease to exist. We’d be literally growing corn and shit on our front lawns. Damn, son! Wait. Wait a minute — we have Superman. It’s all good!

5) Pa Kent’s death. Clark’s driving with ma and pa in his late teens, early 20s when suddenly a tornado strikes down in the middle of a clogged Kansas road. Everyone’s rushing for an overpass, when Clark realizes his pooch was left behind in their truck. Shit! Running from the safety of the overpass, Clark runs towards the chaos. He and pa Kent meet in the middle. “Dad — our dog is still in the car!” “Don’t worry son. Here, take this kid I’m holding to safety — I’ll run back into the tornado without Superman powers to save our dog!” Right, because that makes sense. They’re both at an equidistant point to the dog — why didn’t pa Kent keep jogging on his merry way to the overpass with the kid, while Clark does his Superman thing real quick and saves their dog? Nobody would have noticed because they’re all crapping their pants over the giant tornado coming at them. It didn’t really make a whole lot of sense. And I laughed.

6) The scientist guy who solved the riddle of Kal’s life pod thing. “Hmm… that looks like a square, which if turned sideways is a diamond… so… yes! That matches! YES! That’s it! I’M A GENIUS!” Then he pressed the Super Key into the Super Slot which launched the thing at Zod’s ship, resulting in a black hole that sent the surviving Kryptonians into the Phantom Zone. He saved the day, kind of. Nice work, man — for science!

7) Can we now, as a movie going audience, be over the mass destruction of cities, its people and crashing buildings? It’s getting a little depressing.

8) Superman taking on the guise of Clark Kent by putting on “the glasses” during his first day at the Daily Planet was so ridiculous. Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan did such a great job making this movie feel like it fit in reality (willing suspension of disbelief being considered here, people!), but the second Clark put those glasses on as a disguise… What the motherfuck man. IT’S 2013 AND SO OBVIOUS WHO YOU ARE! Also, doesn’t that fat kid from the Ihop and all those other kids and teachers from Kansas know who Clark Kent really is already? Yeah, bro — cover blown!

Bottom line: go see this movie! If you’re an old school Superman fan don’t lie to yourself — you’re going to see “Man of Steel.” Don’t try too hard to find things to hate about it. Like Krypton, classic Superman’s had his chance. It’s time for the character to embrace the new millennium and this movie’s a great start.

Wrote a fun piece on DC Comics’ New 52 “Red Hood and the Outlaws” character, Roy Harper being a Los Angeles Kings fan based on his hat’s logo. Kenneth Rocafort, the artist who designed the logo, even weighed in with his thoughts!


“DC’s Roy Harper: Los Angeles Kings Fan?” — Click to read full article

“DC Comics’ Roy Harper confronted his past and old mentor Green Arrow in ‘Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual’ #1, and this Saturday, Darryl Sutter, the head coach of the NHL’s Los Angeles Kings is facing something out of his own history as well — his former team the Chicago Blackhawks, who the Kings face in the Western Conference Finals of the Stanley Cup playoffs, a club he played left wing for from 1979-1987, then later commenced his coaching career with from 1992-1995.

On the surface, Roy Harper and the Los Angeles Kings don’t have any direct correlation, but upon closer examination something becomes obvious — the arrow slinging outlaw of the DC Universe is an LA Kings fan.

Since DC launched its New 52 continuity, Harper is often seen wearing a baseball cap with an ambiguous logo, but in certain images it strongly resembles a LA Kings logo, granted one that has been retired towards the end of this post-lockout NHL season. Check the evidence provided below!”

This beauty arrived in my store late last night — a well-loved copy of “Batman” #121 from 1959, boasting the First Appearance of villain Mr. Freeze! Back then he went by “Mr. Zero” and carried around what looks to be an ice-blasting tea kettle.


I’m going to be honest — I almost chucked this thinking it was too beat up to sell, but I always look stuff up in the “Overstreet Price Guide” first, when BAM! I realized what this issue truly is. So crazy! Even in this shape it closes in on $100.

What’s your most prized “Batman” comic? Off the top of my head, I’d say 1992’s “Detective Comics” #647 for me, the First Appearance of Stephanie Brown, the Spoiler. It’s not very valuable, but it holds a special place in my heart since Steph’s one of my favorite characters. Now that I think about it, probably the most valuable “Batman” comic I own is the First Appearance of Harley Quinn in print form, 1993’s “Batman Adventures” #12 — and it was bought off the newsstand at cover price! In fact, I have two copies since at that time (I was 9) my mom would buy me a copy to read, then secretly buy one to save which she later gave to me in life. So cool. My mom’s awesome.

Now we know who Batman’s pulling for in the second round of the Stanley Cup playoffs!


The Los Angeles Kings begin their series against the San Jose Sharks tonight at Staples Center.


UPDATE: Gotta love the fan interaction of the @LAKings twitter account!


In the February 2013 “Previews” catalogue, which solicits new comic book releases for April, DC Comics revealed their “WTF Certified” marketing ploy, expected to traverse the entire New 52 line-up. The initiative boasts a WTF (“What the F**k!”) moment in every issue published that month, stating each one is “going to leave readers in a state of shock.”

While flipping through the catalogue, I’ve taken my best guesses as to what these “WTF Certified” revelations may be for a bunch of titles (as initially tweeted on my little blue bird feed), listing the first thing that came to mind upon seeing the cover or reading the solicit text. Some are good, most are bad, but they’ll all leave you saying “What the f**k!?” So grab your copy of today’s newly pressed “Previews” catalogue and follow along on pages 81-129 or by clicking here!

WARNING: Swearing ahead!


“Justice League” #19

-The “WTF Certified” thing DC is touting for April sounds pretty lame. Each issue they put out that month contains a #WTF moment? OoOok…

Green Arrow #19 #WTFCertified moment: it’s not cancelled by #20 and Jeff Lemire is staying on at least through to #21. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!

Justice League of America’s Vibe #3 #WTFCertified moment: it’s announced at the end his series won’t be cancelled at #8, but #10. WHAT THE FUCK!?!???!?

Justice League #19 #WTFCertified moment: Superman beats Aquaman at the backstroke. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!? Who saw that one coming!

"Aquaman" #19

“Aquaman” #19

Aquaman #19 #WTFCertified moment: The Ice King’s responsible for blue flavored freezie pops tasting so delicious. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Savage Hawkman #19 #WTFCertified moment: The announcement Rob Liefeld’s back on writing AND art duties with #20. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?

DC Universe Presents #19 #WTFCertified moment: With a giant fucking sword run straight through Flash on the cover, this series actually sells a copy off the shelf. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?

"DC Universe Presents" #19

“DC Universe Presents” #19

The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #19 #WTFCertifiedmoment: THIS SERIES IS STILL BEING PUBLISHED!? WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

Worlds’ Finest #11 #WTFCertified moment: Power Girl goes black and doesn’t go back. WHAT THE F — wait, that makes sense.

Action Comics #19 #WTFCertified moment: The guy who wrote Marvel’s “Shadowland” is now writing a flagship DC title? WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?!?

Superman #19 #WTFCertified moment: Superman goes an entire issue WITHOUT WEARING A CAPE. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?


“Worlds’ Finest” #11

Talon #7 #WTFCertified moment: Calvin Rose gets the shit kicked out of him on the cover of his own book yet again. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?

Batman the Dark Knight #19 #WTFCertified moment: People still buy this book despite clearly being the worst of the Bat lot. WHAT THE FUCK!?

Detective Comics #19 #WTFCertified moment: John Layman quits Image comics and “Chew” to write this series forever. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!!

Catwoman #19 #WTFCertified moment: Nope, with a cover like that, this one’s too damn easy.


“Superman” #19

Birds of Prey #19 #WTFCertified moment: Batgirl and company present an all mime issue! WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?!?

Batwing #19 #WTFCertified moment: Batwing dies at the end. WHAT THE F — oh, wait. He’s not caucasian. We all saw that one coming.

Nightwing #19 #WTFCertified moment: It’s revealed the blue costume never existed. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?!!????!!!? MY CHILDHOOD IS RUINED!

Red Hood and the Outlaws 19 #WTFCertified moment: Starfire’s new costume, a full-body jumpsuit, fuses to her body — PERMANENTLY. WHAT THE FUCK!?!

"Talon" #7

“Talon” #7

Green Lantern #19 #WTFCertified moment: Introducing the Poop Brown Lantern Corps! WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?

Green Lantern Corps #19 #WTFCertified moment: Somebody actually cares about Guy Gardner for 5 seconds. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?

Green Lantern New Guardians #19 #WTFCertified moment: With that ridiculous faceplate, it’s revealed Kyle is truly RoboCop. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!

Red Lanterns #19 #WTFCertified moment: That stupid cat kills every Lantern that isn’t Green, Red or Blue. WHAT THE F — I mean, THANK YOU!!!

"Catwoman" #19

“Catwoman” #19

Phantom Stranger #7 #WTFCertified moment: The title character finally speaks a sentence that isn’t cryptic bullshit. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?!

Sword of Sorcery #7 #WTFCertified moment: Nobody’s reading this, are they? WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!???

Animal Man #19 #WTFCertified moment: The Rot does not appear, nor is mentioned in any way, shape or form during this issue. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?

Swamp Thing #19 #WTFCertified moment: “Charles Soule” is revealed to be a nom de plume of Scott Snyder. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!!?!?

"Birds of Prey" #19

“Birds of Prey” #19

Dial H #11 #WTFCertified moment: People who have read all 11 issues still have no idea what’s going on. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Demon Knights #19 #WTFCertified moment: X-O Manowar shows up, blasting the shit out of everyone. WHAT THE F — no. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Vampire #19 #WTFCertified moment: This is the final issue while “Firestorm” & “Suicide Squad” continue publication. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?!

"Batman" #19

“Batman” #19

Threshold #4: This issue actually doesn’t get a #WTFCertified moment considering nobody read #1-3.

Suicide Squad #19 #WTFCertified moment: Everyone finally commits suicide, ending the series. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Legion of Super-Heroes #19 #WTFCertified moment: Legion goes back to the 80s to prevent the creation of any more crappy “Legion” comics after that time. WHAT THE FUCK!

Teen Titans #19 #WTFCertified moment: In a single “Flashpoint-esque” stroke, it’s as if this series never existed. THANK FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!

The Ravagers #11 #WTFCertified moment: See the WTF Certified moment for “Teen Titans” #19.

-And that’s that. Is your mind blown by all these insane #WTFCertifiedmoments? MINE SURE IS! I need a mint.

-Truth be told though, #WTFCertified can be cool. The “Batman” #19 cover makes you guess and the belief in Lemire’s “Green Arrow” feels legit.

-Juan Jose Ryp is an artist who slips under the radar — I’ll buy “Katana” #3 for the cover alone. The blade… #WTFCertified?

-I want “Katana” to be successful. She’s an exciting, energetic character who’s unpredictably precise — Ann Nocenti has a great opportunity to succeed where the latest “Huntress” miniseries failed.

Which #WTFCertified issues will  you be reading?

Last weekend I attended the Long Beach Comic & Horror Con and had a blast. I covered the Scott Lodell panel for CBR where the writer spoke on his three DC Comics titles promising a new direction for “Superman,” changes in “Teen Titans” and the “most severe beating of the Joker” ever in “Red Hood and the Outlaws.”  It was a good time!

LBCC: Lobdell Promises Radical Changes for “Superman,” “Teen Titans” & “Red Hood” — Click to read entire article

“Having just recently taken the reins on DC Comics’ ‘Superman,’ Scott Lobdell has already made significant changes to Clark Kent’s mythos. At the 2012 Long Beach Comic & Horror Con, Lobdell expanded on his upcoming ‘Superman’ work and the new, radical direction for Kent. He also revealed what’s in store for Jason Todd in the ‘Red Hood and the Outlaws’ tie-in stories for the Batman family crossover event, ‘Death of the Family,’ and gave some details on where ‘Teen Titans’ is headed after its tie-in issues conclude.

Lobdell was candid throughout the entire panel, fielding questions from fans and even moderating debates between people in the crowd over the topics discussed. Most notably, the subject of Superman and Wonder Woman’s relationship, which began in ‘Justice League’ #12, sparked heated conversations between audience members.

The biggest exchange began when a woman in the crowd made the comment that the relationship between the leading Justice League members ‘feels like a fan story.’ A cosplayer dressed as Superman quickly replied, ‘It’s natural!’ Lobdell let the two converse and they both settled on agreeing to disagree, hugging out their differences. This set the tempo and mood for the rest of the panel, a lively venue where fans peppered Lobdell with their questions and opinions.”

Holy super balls — DC Comics released their March 2013 release info and in the master list is the “Superman: The Death and Return of Superman” Omnibus HC. The huge book contains “Superman: The Man of Steel” #17-26, “Superman” #73-82, “Adventures of Superman” #496-505, “Action Comics” #683-691, “Justice League of America” #69, “Superman: The Legacy of Superman” #1 and “Green Lantern” #46, plus chapters of “World Without a Superman” and a bunch of bonus stuff. That’s more than 40 comics and the book is over 1000 pages, clocking in with a $99.99 price tag, the standard for collections like these.

I’m not a big Superman fan in the slightest, but this story defines comics from my childhood in the early 90s. Plus, while I may dislike Superman, I love reading about him getting his ass kicked. Now we can only hope for a “Batman: Knightfall” omnibus collection. I’m already drooling.

This issue was awesome — read it.

“Talon” #0 — Click to read entire article

“‘Talon’ #0 co-plotted by James Tynion IV and Scott Snyder, written by Tynion with art by Guillem March introduces new character Calvin Rose into the Batman mythos. Rose is the Court of Owls’ greatest living weapon and the most promising of its Talon assassins. He makes his first appearance in the debut issue of his ongoing series, penned by a relatively new writer to comics whose credits consist only of New 52 Bat-books.

While Tynion’s origin story isn’t the most original, it’s well-executed and the best I’ve read this month from DC. It has emotion, action and most importantly, character. What the original Azrael did for the Bat-verse in the 1990s and Hush in the early 2000s, Talon does in the modern day — he’s a completely original character thrust into the spotlight of an A-list character’s lore with the goal of generating fan interest.”

A fun read but needed more “oomph.”

“Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E.” #0 — Click to read entire article

“‘Frankenstein Agent of S.H.A.D.E.’ #0 by Matt Kindt and Alberto Ponticelli is an acceptable jumping on point to the series, providing a clear but hasty origin story of the titular character which puts a DC Comics spin on the classic horror story.

With only 20 pages to work with, Frankenstein is the lone Creature Commando in this issue as his regular co-stars in the series, Griffith, Velcoro and Nina never make an appearance. Although someone else who was a central character to the title early on makes an origin-related cameo.”

Haven’t read Scott Snyder’s “Swamp Thing” yet? Hopefully I can convince you the #0 issue is a great place to start.

“Swamp Thing” #0 — Click to read full article

“In the true spirit of a zero issue, Scott Snyder and Kano’s “Swamp Thing” #0 is accessible for new readers, serving as an origin story for Alec Holland but starring his arch nemesis in the New 52 — Arcane of the Rot.

Arcane is a disgusting, savage being with further evidence of his prowess over the avatars of both the Red (Animal Man) and Green (Swamp Thing) provided early on in this issue. Throughout his existence Arcane has consistently weakened the Red and Green in preparation for the Rot’s rise currently going down in both this series and Jeff Lemire’s ‘Animal Man.'”

There were some decent reads in the first wave of DC Comics’ New 52 #0 issues — “Action Comics” #0, “Animal Man” #0, “Green Lantern” #0 and surprisingly “Green Arrow” #0 kept my attention. Hoping “Swamp Thing” #0 tops them all.

xmen1The very first X-Men comic to be published by Marvel was X-Men #1. It was released in September of 1963, and the team consisted of Professor X, Marvel Girl (Jean Grey), Cyclops, Iceman, Beast, and Angel. The X-Men’s most popular character, Wolverine, didn’t join the team until 12 years later in 1975 when he appeared in Giant Size X-Men #1!

A Fastball Special is the term that was originally coined for when the steel-bodied Colossus tossed a feral Wolverine at an opponent. Over the years though, many different characters have performed the move, but it has only been perfected by the Russian and Canadian mutants.

Meanwhile, over at D.C. Comics, there have been four different characters who have taken up the Robin mantle at Batman’s side. In order of duty they have been: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, and Tim Drake again. Dick Grayson later grew up to become the blue and black clad Nightwing. Jason Todd brutally died at the hands of The 101113-48969-fastball-special1Joker only to return years later as the vigilante Red Hood. Now Todd has become something of an anti-hero, taunting his former comrades by donning their costumes and delivering a harsher form of justice. Tim Drake is still in high cover-largeschool and could easily be compared to Marvel’s Peter Parker during his younger years. Before she was Robin, Stephanie Brown patrolled the streets of Gotham City as the purple robed Spoiler. Batman took her under his wing when Tim went on an hiatus as Robin, giving Stephanie the role of Batman’s right hand… woman. She was seemingly killed by the villain Black Mask, only to come back a few years later. She has returned to her role as Spoiler.

Similarly, the Batgirl cowl has been taken up by two different women: Police Commissioner James Gordon’s daughter, Barbara Gordon, and the act first/ask questions later, Cassandra Cain. Barbara Gordon was Batgirl until The Joker crippled her by busting up her legs in “The Killing Joke” story arc. She is now consigned to a wheel chair and goes by the name of Oracle. Oracle is a computer hack, essentially taking the role of ‘mission control’ when it comes to the Bat-Family. Ironically, Cassandra Cain (who currently dons the Batgirl title) was trained by Barbara and is a total bad ass.

gl_rbth_tpbIn 1970 DC charged comic book writer Denny O’Neil with revamping the super hero, Green Lantern. In 2004 the DC top brass appointed the same task to comics scribe Geoff Johns. The order was easier said than done: make Green Lantern interesting again. Not only was Johns assigned the task of reviving the shattered Green Lantern Corps., but he also was told to (literally) breathe new life into the man who destroyed the Corps: Hal Jordan, the greatest of the Green Lanterns.

Enter Green Lantern: Rebirth.

Rebirth is a six issue story that re-evaluates who Hal Jordan is as a man, and re-establishes the Green Lantern Corps. as a beacon of hope in the universe. As Johns states in the Rebirth Trade Paper Back, “It’s all tied into Green Lantern mythology, which is what we’re looking to restore. Everything needs to be tied back to Hal Jordan, who he was, is, and where he’s going.” Without a doubt Johns, along with artist Ethan Van Sciver, achieves these goals in Rebirth, presenting the Green Lantern mythos as a character driven sci-fi thriller.

The story begins with Green Lantern Kyle Rayner (Hal Jordan’s replacement after his descent into madness as the evil being Parallax) flying a space ship out of the sun’s core. Rayner’s cargo is the coffin of Jordan, and after crash landing on Earth his ring emits a warning that would alarm even the strongest of the Green Lantern Corps: “Parallax is coming”… Meanwhile, Green Lantern John Stewart tries to convince former Lantern, Guy Gardner, that he misses being a part of the Corps. While the two attend a Red Sox/Yankees game (I won’t reveal who wins here), the previously devastated Coast City suddenly reappears out of nowhere. To make the situation even more bizarre, so does the spirit of Hal Jordan, a.k.a Green Lantern, a.k.a The Spectre, a.k.a Parallax…

green_lantern_rebirth3Geoff Johns does a great job of adding depth and character to every major player in this tale, touching on how certain characters feel about the potential return of Hal Jordan; is he friend or foe? Johns presents John Stewart as an admirer of Jordan, while Batman serves as his antithesis. Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) makes an appearance in the defense of Jordan, keeping a close eye on his most precious memento; Hal’s power ring. Johns’ sole weak point in the writing is his tendency to use objects as a convention to incite will power into his characters. In Rebirth the object is the jacket of Hal’s father. Later on in the series, it will be Kyle’s attachment to a painting by his mother. While sentimental, it also comes off as a gimmick.

Ethan Van Sciver’s pencils are fantastic. He thinks like a cinematographer as every panel looks like it was pulled from a movie. His clean lines make the people look realistic amongst scenic backgrounds and detailed costumes. The fight scenes are loaded with action, and the battle between Green Lantern Kilowog and the sole surviving Guardian, Ganthet, is particularly awesome. Sciver’s statement about the uselessness of Aquaman doesn’t go unnoticed, and the only out of place shot is when Kyle Rayner attacks an enemy with a giant pencil. Not only does Kyle attack with the eraser side, but he strikes a thinking pose in the heat of battle… it’s awkward. Moose Baumann’s colors are vibrant, and play a major role in this story as color decides ones green_lantern_rebirth2allegiance to good or evil. Moose’s work shines it’s brightest when Hal Jordan takes on one of his greatest foes; trails of light emit from the combatants giving the scene an appropriate science fiction feel. Inks by Prentis Rollins, Marlo Alquiza, Mick Gray, and Sciver are finely done. Special features in the trade include a forward by Brad Meltzer, a variant cover gallery, Johns’ plot outline, and six pages of story previously published only in Wizard magazine.

While Green Lantern: Rebirth is the perfect jumping on point for new comers to the Green Lantern mythos, it also serves as a worthy tale to long time Lantern fans. Rebirth addresses the past and resolves it, shifting the focus to the future of the Green Lantern Corps. So charge up your power ring and say the oath, because Green Lantern: Rebirth is only the beginning…

This article is also published in Extra Sequential #2, the free online comics magazine! Be sure to check it out by clicking here!

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